9 - 11 Myrtle Street, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
04 566 0102 email: huttartsociety@xtra.co.nz
9 - 11 Myrtle Street, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
04 566 0102 email: huttartsociety@xtra.co.nz

9 - 11 Myrtle Street, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
04 566 0102 huttartsociety@xtra.co.nz

Artists on site!
Have a Go!
Open 10am–3pm
Bring your friends and family!
Always wanted to 'Have a go' yourself, but didn't know where to start?
There will be plenty of opportunities to get stuck in at our Open Day: paint, glue, stitch, print, sketch -- ask any of our members on site throughout the day to help produce your very own work of art!
Come and watch the artists in action: Painters, potters, embroiderers, printmakers, weavers and porcelain painters and more.
Demonstrations with FREE 1 hour classes will be held by well-known artists:
Jacky Pearson 10.30am
Roger Key 12 noon
Alfred Memelink 1.30pm

Places are strictly limited so please book by emailing: huttartsociety@xtra.co.nz
Live Music
Sausage Sizzle
Art Demos