9 - 11 Myrtle Street, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
04 566 0102 email: huttartsociety@xtra.co.nz
9 - 11 Myrtle Street, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
04 566 0102 email: huttartsociety@xtra.co.nz

9 - 11 Myrtle Street, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
04 566 0102 huttartsociety@xtra.co.nz

Art Groups
Once you become a member of Hutt Art you may join any of our Art Groups. This is a brief outline of all our current groups.
Please contact the office for more information.

Monday 9.00am - 12noon
We are an untutored group of active weavers who use the equipment and resources of the Society while enjoying each others company. We share ideas and techniques and help each other with planning and executing projects. We meet regulary on Monday mornings and often also weave on Wednesday mornings. New members are welcome. Some experience is necessary.

Monday 9.30am - 2.30pm (Group is currently full)
Come along and join our fun filled morning. Enjoy your morning tea and lunch and good company while painting in any style you choose.

Monday 7.30pm - 9.30pm
We're a friendly, untutored group of artists painting various topics and styles in various media to an eclectic mix of quiet background music. Help and advice on your paintings is also available, if you want it, from the more experienced artists in the group.

Monday 7.30pm - 9.00pm
Enjoy doing your craft in the company of others who also enjoy the craft. A wide variety of stitching styles are enjoyed by the members of this group.

The Rising Stars
Tuesday 9.30am - 12noon
We are a friendly group, painting in Acrylic, Oil, Watercolour and pencil drawing. We do stop for a morning tea break. We choose our own topics to paint and advice is available to people if required from the more experienced painters in the group.

Life Art Group
Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.30pm
The model is posed for two hours, allowing time for more finished work and the opportunity to use a wide variety of media including oils, watercolour pencils, acrylics, charcoal and pastels. We have a good group of models from which to work and the studio is well set up with good lighting, drawing tables and easels. Note - there is a fee for the model.

Wednesday 9.30an - 12.30pm
An enthusiastic group of painters nurturing each others talents.
Urban Sketching
Wednesday 1.00pm - 4.00pm
A We draw, sketch or paint in the Hutt Valley. No major skills are necessary, just a passion to draw what you see. The group meet at 1pm on Wednesdays, sketch for approximately 2 hours, and then at 3pm meet at a nearby cafe for a drink and show-and-tell. Where we meet each week is published on our Facebook Group by 10am on Wednesday. The link to our Facebook group is https://www.facebook.com/groups/huttarturbansketching/ and email address is uskhuttvalley@gmail.com

Portrait Group
Thursday 9.30am - 12noon
This group has been meeting for as long as the Society has been in existence. The model usually comes for two weeks running. It is a friendly group and it's amazing the quality of work produced. Everyone uses whatever medium they prefer and we help each other if asked. Please do come along if you are interested, you will be more than welcome. Note - there is a fee charged for the model.

Friday 9.30am - 12noon
A lively mix of painters, with styles ranging from traditional to abstract, and all mediums from pencils to oils are utilised. A relaxed atmosphere where anything goes!

All Sorts
Last Sunday of every month 1-5pm
The All Sorts Group is a collective of creative individuals united by their passion for artistic expression. Comprising diverse talents across various mediums, the group fosters collaboration and innovation, encouraging artists to explore new ideas and techniques. With a focus on artistic growth, All Sorts provides a platform for members to share their work, inspire each other, and connect with broader audiences through exhibitions and events.

As members of the Society, we have access to a printing press and other necessary equipment. Groups can be formed by arrangement with other printmakers or work on your own. New members are welcome. Previous experience is necessary.

Collage Group
2nd Saturday of every month 10am - 1.00pm
A chance to rip, cut and stick, paint, print and draw, mixing and matching to your hearts content. Anything goes in this multimedia genre. All welcome.

Pottery Groups - currently full
Monday mornings 9.30am - 12noon
Monday evenings 7 - 9pm
Wednesday mornings 9.30am - 12noon
Wednesday evenings 6.30 - 8.30pm
Thursday mornings 9.30am - 12noon
You must be a member of the Hutt Art Potters to attend these group sessions - find out how to join the Potters: https://www.huttart.co.nz/pottery-studio
These groups are not tutored and you do need to have some experience to join.