9 - 11 Myrtle Street, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
04 566 0102 email: huttartsociety@xtra.co.nz
9 - 11 Myrtle Street, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
04 566 0102 email: huttartsociety@xtra.co.nz

9 - 11 Myrtle Street, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
04 566 0102 huttartsociety@xtra.co.nz
Summer School 2019
6-13 January 2019
Encaustic Painting | Tapestry Weaving | Acrylic Painting | Abstract Techniques | Creativity | Anatomy for the Artist
05 Jan 2019
Tapestry Weaving
Trish Armour
2-Day Workshop.
Tapestry weaving is a very old art form where the design is woven into the cloth. In this class students will be introduced to the basic techniques and be shown how you can develop your skills into weaving more complex designs or pictures. Master weaver, Trish Armour will guide you through straight, curved and diagonal patterns; changing colour, blending colour, and how to finish off your piece. You should be able to complete a small sampler. During the two days there will be discussion on design ideas, transferring patterns and using a cartoon.
Trish will have some tapestry weaving frames for students to use. If you have not finished your piece by the end of the class, she offers to loan you the frame for a refundable deposit.
05 Jan 2019
Anatomy for the artist
Sarah Brock
2-Day Workshop.
The focus of this class is upon gaining a better understanding of the human figure and how it is put together; which will help you in your figure painting or drawing.
On the first morning we will work from the torso, both male and female. We will study how the soft areas interact with the harder bony areas in particular how the ribcage, pelvis and shoulders move in relation to each other. In the afternoon we will study those most problematic of areas – the hands and feet. Their proportions, their key anatomical features and how to render them quickly and effectively.
On day two we will work from a live model doing a series of quick sketches of specific areas – the shoulder, the neck, the knee etc – before putting it together and drawing the whole figure focusing on proportion and the placement of key landmarks.
This class is all about gaining knowledge of human anatomy and using tonal techniques to successfully render it. Expect to come away with a series of sketched studies rather than a finished work. Recommended for students 18 years or over.
Students will bring their own.
07 Jan 2019
Encaustic Painting
Nicki Stewart
2-Day Workshop.
Join Nicki for a magical two days exploring the exciting and creative possibilities of painting with wax. This ancient art form has evolved into one of the most versatile mediums available to contemporary artists.
We will be introduced to the preparation of grounds and materials used in the encaustic process, exploring the basic techniques of layering, fusing, blending, image transfer, embossing, embedding elements and incorporating mixed media such as paper, fabric, oil paint, ink and pastels as well as a variety of mark making techniques.
Encaustic is compatible with any oil based mediums and as such we will explore how it can be incorporated into a regular studio practice. Generally applied to a rigid and porous ground, encaustic can be applied to paper, photographs, wood, ceramic and plaster surfaces. No matter what your current medium or genre, encaustic has much to offer for the mixed media artist.
This course will provide you with all the information and practice you need to start creating your own beautiful works in wax.
$100 (to be paid to tutor) as most materials will be supplied by the Tutor - you only need to bring your own collage materials.

07 Jan 2019
John Cornish
2-Day Workshop
John's workshop will be a two-day immersion into Art and Creativity. You will explore a range of different materials, including ink, paint, charcoal, pastels and paper through fun and diverse exercises, to help access your creativity and discover what's possible! Along the way you will get some confidence with colour and learn basic drawing skills, but also discover how important it is to take risks and make work that is relevant to you! Interactive learning and sharing is encouraged. While this workshop is aimed at beginners, if you're a bit stuck in what you do now, this workshop will help to open up new possibilities.
Will be provided; all John asks is that you bring a sense of adventure.
09 Jan 2019
Acrylic Painting
Galina Kim
2-Day Workshp
Galina’s workshop will include some mixed media with acrylic painting. On the first day she will talk about the techniques she uses and how you can incorporate them into your work.You will do some work with collage and in preparing your workshop painting.Bring a selection of images (may be landscape or another theme if you wish eg still life), which we will stylise and work on composition.
On the second day you will focus on paint techniques to complete the work.
Students will bring their own.
11 Jan 2019
Abstract Techniques
Tony Clarke
2-Day Workshop
This workshop explores four areas of abstract painting over the 2 days:
Pouring abstract
Colourfield veils
Direct painting
The workshop will start with a short talk and slide show about abstract expressionism then the class will explore abstract techniques, giving students tools to explore their own abstract expression.
Each area will be covered using demonstrations and explanations from both the practical technical side and the more intuitive expressive area.
Students will bring their own.