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We are launching along with Chris Bishop a special children’s art competition to thank the Hutt’s essential workers who are going above and beyond during this very tough time for the city.


This is a wonderful opportunity for our young people to say “thank you” to the thousands of dedicated essential workers in the Hutt including doctors, nurses, police officers, cleaners, supermarket staff, truck drivers, and many more who are all continuing to work to keep us safe and well. It is also a chance for young people, most of who are confined to their bubbles at home during the lockdown, to get those creative juices flowing!

Hutt children in years 1-8 are being invited to create a piece of art to say “thank you” to our essential workers while they’re at home and unable to attend school. The artwork will be forwarded onto essential workers on a regular basis, and prizes awarded for the best artwork in each year level.

The Hutt Art Society will be supplying judges for the competition, collating the entries and displaying artwork in the Odlin Gallery when the lockdown is over, and it is safe to do so.

Instructions for entering:

Photos or scans of artwork can be sent to Please include a title of the work, the name of the submitter, year at school and what school the child attends

Children should attend a school in, or currently reside, in the Hutt Valley

The artwork can be in any form, but should be focused on essential workers and saying “thank you” or “thanks”

The competition is for children currently in years 1-8 (roughly students aged 5-13)

Entries open Friday 17 April and close Friday 15 May.

Entries will be showcased digitally on my Facebook page and the Hutt Art Centre’s Facebook page.

Some of our entries so far...

Due to Covid-19, the Muriel Hopper Hutt Art Awards have been cancelled for this year but will be back in 2021.

Open day that was cancelled due to Covid-19 will be back in early 2021, watch here for more details.

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